[N4K]유니버셜스튜디오Walking Halloween Day Universal Studio Japan Face painting costume clothes오사카osaka할로윈데이

  *Halloween is a festival held every year on October 31st, on the eve of the Holy Day, a Christian holiday, dressed in various costumes across the United States. Originally, it is known that Halloween originated in the traditional Celtic festival “Samhain”. On the last day of the year, the Celts prepared food and offered offerings to the god of death, soothing the souls of the dead and chasing away evil spirits. At this time, there was a custom of decorating them in bizarre appearances so that people who were afraid of evil spirits would mislead them as the same evil spirits, which became the prototype of Halloween makeup culture. [Naver Encyclopedia of Knowledge] Halloween [Halloween] (Encyclopedia of World Festivals and Anniversary, Jungah Ryu, Aeri Oh, Honghee Kim)* ◑ https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?doc... Evil spirits day! The horror atmosphere of witches, zombies, and Dracula I made a video for Halloween Day. On Halloween Day 4 years ago, I walked through Universal Studi...

[4K] 계양 꽃마루 꽃동산 Flower Road of Incheon Walking into the autumn Gyeyang Gymnasium near Seoul Korea_seoul 4k_healing video

  It is a 10 minutes walk from Gangseo-gu, Seoul. Lots of time spent with family and lovers Close to you. Wearing various clothes under the autumn sky Flowers greet you. So, let's go into autumn. Walkers are colored with flowers in a variety of colors. Shall we enter the autumn mood together? If you like the video, I would appreciate it if you could subscribe, set notifications, and like. With “Seoul 4K Walker”, the roads are closer together.😎😍👏 Have a nice day. 서울경계에서 10분거리를 또 걸어봅니다. 가족과 함께 연인과 함께 시간여유를 많이 안겨주는 가까운 곳입니다. 가을하늘아래 알록달록 다양한 옷을 차려입은 코스모스들이 첫 인사를 합니다. 그렇게 가을속으로 저벅저벅 걸어가 봅니다. Walker 또한 다양한 색으로 물들어 갑니다. 같이 가을분위기로 들어가 볼까요? 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 구독과 알림설정 및 좋아요를 꾸욱~해주시면 감사하겠습니다. “Seoul 4K Walker”와 함께하면 먼길도 가까워 집니다.😎😍👏 행복한 하루 되세요. ▶Map : https://goo.gl/maps/PNgKwLg1K9bujs9UA ◑Wiki : https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/계양체육관 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Gyeyang Gymnasium is an indoor gym located in Seon-dong, Gyeyang-gu, Incheon. Currently, the V League Incheon Korean Air Jumbos and Incheon Heun...

[Not4K]Halloween Day Face painting costume clothes decoration pattern party pumpkin props Photo할로윈데이

  *Halloween is a festival held every year on October 31st, on the eve of the Holy Day, a Christian holiday, dressed in various costumes across the United States. Originally, it is known that Halloween originated in the traditional Celtic festival “Samhain”. On the last day of the year, the Celts prepared food and offered offerings to the god of death, soothing the souls of the dead and chasing away evil spirits. At this time, there was a custom of decorating them in bizarre appearances so that people who were afraid of evil spirits would mislead them as the same evil spirits, which became the prototype of Halloween makeup culture. [Naver Encyclopedia of Knowledge] Halloween [Halloween] (Encyclopedia of World Festivals and Anniversary, Jungah Ryu, Aeri Oh, Honghee Kim)* ◑ https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=2180232&cid=42836&categoryId=42836 Evil spirits day! The horror atmosphere of witches, zombies, and Dracula I made a video of the Halloween Day picture that is be...

[4K]The Darkest Reaches어둠속으로 Dark Night walked Rainbow light of Araskywalk아라전망대 스카이워크Incheon Korea

  Hello My friends, I'm seoul 4k walker. There are many beautiful and wonderful places in South Korea as well as Seoul. I will always show new and colorful videos throughout Korea. I would appreciate it even more if you watch my previously uploaded video If you watch it on TV, it looks good in high definition. 'Subscribe' and 'likes' of all my friends are very helpful to me. Within 20 minutes from Yeouido, Seoul! I walked through the Ara Sky Walk Observatory in the middle of the Ara Waterway. The afternoon scene, sunset and the pitch of the night at the end of the video. You can see it. Wonderful waterfall Feeling from the panoramic sky observation deck The clear river also offers great views. Do you want to be as full of energy as taking vitamins? Shall we walk Araskywalk with me first? If you like the video, I would appreciate it if you could subscribe, set notifications, and like. With seoul 4k walker, the roads are closer together.😎😍👏 Have a nice day. 안녕하세...

[4K]한국최대 인공폭포Korea's Largest artificial waterfall Walking scenery of a Ara Water Way in Incheon Korea

  Hello My friends, I'm 'Seoul 4K Walker'. There are many beautiful and wonderful places in South Korea as well as Seoul. I will always show new and colorful videos throughout Korea. I would appreciate it even more if you watch my previously uploaded video If you watch it on TV, it looks good in high definition. 'Subscribe' and 'likes' of all my friends are very helpful to me. Within 20 minutes from Yeouido, Seoul! In the middle of the Ara Canal, I walked through the Ara Falls and the observation deck. Wonderful waterfall Feeling from the panoramic sky observation deck The clear river also offers great views. Do you want to be as full of energy as taking vitamins? Shall we walk Ara Falls with me first? If you like the video, I would appreciate it if you could subscribe, set notifications, and like. With “Seoul 4K Walker”, the roads are closer together.😎😍👏 Have a nice day. 안녕하세요 'Seoul 4K 워커'입니다. 우리나라에는 서울뿐만 아니라 정말 아름답고 멋진곳이 많습니다. 저는 늘 새롭고 다채로운 ...

[4K]한옥마을 전통놀이 타임캡슐 Walk through the Namsangol Hanok Village, Traditional Holiday seoul time capsule_seoul 4k walker

Version 2. Hello My friends, I'm 'Seoul 4K Walker'. I went to Namsangol Hanok Village on Chuseok on October 1. There are many beautiful and wonderful places in South Korea as well as Seoul. I will always show new and colorful videos throughout Korea. I would appreciate it even more if you watch my previously uploaded video If you watch it on TV, it looks good in high definition. 'Subscribe' and 'likes' of all my friends are very helpful to me. October 1st is Chuseok, a Korean holiday. Chuseok is Korean Thanksgiving Day (August 15th in the lunar calendar) It is also a holiday for 5 days. In Namsangol Hanok Village, every year on Chuseok (Hangawi), families, relatives, and friends dressed in hanbok sometimes play various traditional games. This year is an exception, but there are a few children, friends and foreigners wearing traditional hanbok. Traditional games such as throwing tuho, yut-nori and spinning top were seen. This video is part 1 and I will upl...

[Not 4K] The Honor Guard육해공여군해병대 통합 의장대 전율 레전드 20년전 6월 전쟁기념관워킹Walk through the War Memorial of Korea_Seoul 4K Walker

  Sometimes old videos awaken a subconscious mind in the mind. It acts as an accelerator bringing in new air. Don't you need strong motives? It feels good when I walk and a refreshing breeze Wind of vitality in the old legend memories video Try to get up. Day 20 years ago! Army honor guard Navy honor guard Air force honor guard Marine Corps honor guard and This is a gorgeous military dance video of the female soldier's guard. We also included congratulatory performances from each country. The place of walked is the war memorial. If you liked the video, I would appreciate it if you Subscribe and Like me. With "Seoul 4K Walker", you will feel a long way closer. Have a nice day. (^_^)v 가끔 추억의 영상은 힘들고 고된 일들에 새로운 바람을 불어 넣는 촉진제 역할을 하기도 합니다. 강한 동기부여가 필요하지 않으세요? 걷는 걸음이 기분 좋아지고 새 힘을 주는 바람 그 활력의 바람을 옛 레전드 영상으로 한 번 일으켜 보세요. 20년전 현충일을 소환해 봅니다. 육군의장대 해군의장대 공군의장대 해병대의장대 및 여군의장대의 화려한 칼 군무 영상입니다. 각국의 축하공연도 담아보았습니다. 워킹했던 장소는 전쟁기념관 입니다. 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 구독과 알림설정 및 좋아요를 꾸욱~~ 눌러주시면 감사하...