[4K]한국최대 인공폭포Korea's Largest artificial waterfall Walking scenery of a Ara Water Way in Incheon Korea


Hello My friends, I'm 'Seoul 4K Walker'. There are many beautiful and wonderful places in South Korea as well as Seoul. I will always show new and colorful videos throughout Korea. I would appreciate it even more if you watch my previously uploaded video If you watch it on TV, it looks good in high definition. 'Subscribe' and 'likes' of all my friends are very helpful to me. Within 20 minutes from Yeouido, Seoul! In the middle of the Ara Canal, I walked through the Ara Falls and the observation deck. Wonderful waterfall Feeling from the panoramic sky observation deck The clear river also offers great views. Do you want to be as full of energy as taking vitamins? Shall we walk Ara Falls with me first? If you like the video, I would appreciate it if you could subscribe, set notifications, and like. With “Seoul 4K Walker”, the roads are closer together.😎😍👏 Have a nice day. 안녕하세요 'Seoul 4K 워커'입니다. 우리나라에는 서울뿐만 아니라 정말 아름답고 멋진곳이 많습니다. 저는 늘 새롭고 다채로운 영상을 대한민국 곳곳에서 선보일 예정입니다. 기존에 업로드한 흥미로운 저의 영상도 봐주시면 더욱 감사하겠습니다. TV로 보시면 선명한 고화질로 보실수 있습니다. '구독'과 '좋아요'는 저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다. 서울경계선에서 10분거리도 안되는 곳! 아라뱃길 중간에 아라폭포와 전망대를 워킹했습니다. 시원한 폭포 물줄기와 탁트인 하늘전망대에서 아래를 느껴보는 아찔함과 태양빛에 빛나는 강줄기도 멋진 풍광을 선사합니다. 비타민을 복용한 듯 힘이 나길 원하세요? 우선 아라폭포를 저와 함께 워킹해 볼까요? 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 구독과 알림설정 및 좋아요를 꾸욱~해주시면 감사하겠습니다. “Seoul 4K Walker”와 함께하면 먼길도 가까워 집니다.😎😍👏 행복한 하루 되세요. ▶Map : https://goo.gl/maps/jDQQmj5SCif8QaTT6 ▶Information : https://www.kwater.or.kr/giwaterway/a... ◑Wiki : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ara_Canal ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ The Ara Canal or Gyeongin Ara Waterway (Hangul: 경인 아라뱃길) is a canal in South Korea, linking the Han River to the Yellow Sea. It extends from Incheon district Seo-gu to Seoul Gangseo-gu. It was built in 2012. The purpose of the canal is to provide flood control and to facilitate leisure pursuits. ▶Google Blog: https://hikoreawalker.blogspot.com ▶Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seoul4kwalker #Arawaterfall#seoul4k#seoulwalker seoul4k,seoul 4k,서울4k,서울 4k,seoul walker,seoulwalker,seoul mayor,seoulmayor,seoul vlog,seoulvlog,seoul wave,seoulwave,seoul pop seoulpop,seoul trip,seoultrip,seoul bts,seoulbts,seoul walk,seoulwalk,seoul walking,seoulwalking,seoul store,seoulstore,seoulite,seoultech,seoul 4k driving,seoul night 4k,4k seoul walk,seoul 4k 60fps,부산4k,대구4k,광주4k,대전4k,강릉4k,경기4k,전주4k,제주4k,korea 4k,4k korea,경주4k,청주4k,상주4k,나주4k,충주4k,강남4k,gangnam 4k,원주4k,seoul korea,seoulkorea,seoul map,seoulmap,seoul global center,seoulglobalcenter,seoul wallpaper,seoulwallpaper,korean war,koreanwar,korea coronavirus,koreacoronavirus,seoul south korea,seoulsouthkorea,seoul garden,seoulgarden,seoul taco,seoultaco,seoul station.seoulstation,seoul tower,seoultower,seoul airport,seoulairport,seoul tokyo,seoultokyo,korean food,koreanfood,korean meme,koreanmeme,korean makeup,koreanmakeup,korean chicken,koreanchicken,koreandrama,korean drama,gangnamstyle,gangnam style,gangnamgu,gangnam gu,Gyeongin Ara Waterway,아라뱃길,인공폭포,아라마루,Ara Maru,Ara Waterfall,Skywalk,


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