SEOUL Heavy Snowfall 300mm, Night Walking Black out, Avalanche of tree branches, Seoul Travel Walker
마을이 정전되고 평생 보기 힘든 폭설 장면 영상입니다.
나뭇가지에 쌓인 눈은 무게를 못이겨 눈사태 처럼 떨어집니다. 나뭇가지가 부러져서 떨어질까봐 도로를 걸어야만 했습니다. 위험해 보이지만 안전을 유의하면서 아름다운 눈 내리는 장면을 영상으로 담아 봤습니다. 힐링할 수 있는 눈내리는 풍경의 다음 영상도 기대해 주시기 바랍니다. 끝까지 시청해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. This is a video of a town that lost power due to heavy snowfall and a scene of heavy snowfall that is hard to see in one's life. The snow piled on the tree branches fell like an avalanche because it couldn't bear the weight. I had to walk on the road because I was afraid that the tree branches would break and fall. It may look dangerous, but I tried to capture the beautiful snowfall scene in a video while being careful about safety. Please look forward to the next video of a healing snowfall scene. I would appreciate it if you watched it until the end. Thank you for watching until the end.Your "Subscriptions" and "Likes" are new Hot Spots, Hot Place, It is a great help in showing beautiful scenery and healing destinations. With ‘Seoul Travel Walker’, even a long way becomes closer. Have a nice day. (^_^)v ======================================================================== ▶Map: ▶Google Blog: ▶Instagram:
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