Mecca of Korean Theater, Daehak-ro and alleys of Hyehwa-dong theater district. Seoul Travel Walk.

 Changing and Evolving

The fall of Daehak-ro in 2022 is turning into yellow autumn leaves. Daehak-ro Maronier Park and Hyehwa-dong Theater Alley, the mecca of Korean theater performances Walking tour in every corner. Your subscriptions and likes help you make better videos. I'd appreciate it if you watched until the end. Your "Subscriptions" and "Likes" are a big help in making better videos. With ‘Seoul Travel Walker’, even a long way gets closer. Have a nice day. (^_^)v ▶Map: ▶Google Blog: ▶Instagram: ▶Business Inquiry: #Daehak-ro#Hyehwa#Marronier Park


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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