Crowded Food Alley in IKSEON-DONG, Waiting for an hour, Seoul Jongno-gu, 4K Seoul Korea Walk.

 Hello, My friends.

I am 'Seoul Travel Walker' who share healing videos with you. Today, I will show you the holiday scenery of Ikseon-dong, Jongno-gu, famous for its hanok street. Ikseon-dong meat restaurant alleys, pubs, restaurants, cafes, clothing stores, flea markets, And the food stalls around Jongno 3-ga Station have reached their peak season. Watching the joyful and lively faces of the citizens who visited the pretty hanok alleys Shall we walk together? If you subscribe and like the alarm bell, I will make a better video. :) With ‘Seoul Travel Walker’, you will feel a long way closer. Have a nice day. (^_^)v =============================================== ▶Map: ▶Google Blog: ▶Instagram: ▶Business Inquiry: #Ikseon-dong#Jongno#SeoulTravel


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