[4K] Seoul Walk - Walking Ssamzie-gil in Insa-dong, Jongno on a Rainy Day. 4k Seoul Korea.

 Hello, My friends.

I am 'Seoul 4K Walker' who share healing videos with you. Today, I'm going to walk Ssamzie-gil in Insadong, where the rainy season is falling. I walked in the rain and arrived. Ssamzie-gil is a kind of everyday life props, accessories, miscellaneous goods, It's a shopping mall that sells various tourist products. The pretty, high-quality products that the artists made, You'll be motivated to buy. After shopping, we stopped by restaurants and traditional tea shops. It would be good to fill your stomach with food. A healing time while you're on a walking tour. I hope so. If you subscribe and like the alarm bell, I will make a better video. :) With ‘Seoul 4K Walker’, you will feel a long way closer. Have a nice day. (^_^)v =============================================== ▶Map: https://goo.gl/maps/J4Tym1zjmXPvyEcq6 ▶Intro : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insa-dong ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Insa-dong is a dong, or neighborhood in the Jongno-gu district of Seoul. The main street is Insadong-gil, which is connected to a multitude of alleys that lead deeper into the district, with modern galleries and tea shops. At one time, it was the largest market for antiques and artworks in Korea. Stretching across 12.7 hectares (or 31.4 acres), the district is bordered by Gwanhun-dong to the north, Nagwon-dong to the east, and Jongno 2-ga and Jeokseon-dong to the south, and Gongpyeong-dong to the west. ▶Google Blog: https://hikoreawalker.blogspot.com ▶Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seoul4kwalker #insadong#인사동#쌈지길


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