[4K]Korea Walk-1,100m above sea level Walk through the vast grasslands of Daegwallyeong Haneul Ranch

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▼▼▼▼▼ https://www.youtube.com/c/Seoul4K/fea... =============================================== 안녕하세요. 여러분에게 힐링영상을 공유하는 '서울 4K 워커'입니다. 대관령의 양떼목장중 가장 높은 하늘 목장을 걸업봅니다. 높고 맑은 하늘 아래 신선한 공기를 마시며 해발 1,100미터를 오릅니다. 관광객을 위한 양떼 먹이주기 체험도 준비되어 있습니다. 목장의 정상인 하늘마루전망대에서 선자령까지는 약 40여분 소요됩니다. 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울, 계절별로 풍경이 아름다운 선자령도 꼭 들러보세요. 4시간여의 워킹후 하늘카페에서 먹는 아이스크림이 제법 맛있었습니다. 하늘목장은 1974년 조성된 대관령의 대표 목장으로, 월드컵경기장 500개에 달하는 약 1000만 제곱미터 규모로 해발1 157미터의 대관령 최고봉인 선자령이 목장과 가까이 있습니다. 국내 최초의 '자연순응형'체험 목장으로서 2014년 9월에 대중에게 개방되어 젖소, 말, 양 등이 '자연 생태 순환 시스템'에서 살아가는 대한민국 대표 기업 목장이기도 합니다. 환경은 잘 보존되어 있으며 대부분의 지역은 인간의 손길이 그대로 유지되어 최고의 자연 목장 경험을 제공 할 수 있습니다. 여러분의 구독과 좋아요는 보다 나은 힐링 영상을 제작하는데 큰 도움이 됩니다. ‘서울 4K 워커'와 함께하면 먼길도 가까워 집니다. 행복한 하루 되세요. (^_^)v =============================================== Hello, My friends, I am 'Seoul 4K Walker' who share healing videos with you. I walk up the sky ranch, the highest among the sheep ranches in Daegwallyeong. It rises 1,100 meters above sea level, breathing in fresh air under high, clear skies. There is also a flock feeding experience for tourists. It takes about 40 minutes from Haneulmaru Observatory, which is the top of the ranch, to Seonjaryeong. Be sure to visit Seonjaryeong, where the scenery is beautiful in spring, summer, autumn, winter, and season. After 4 hours of walking, the ice cream eaten at Haneul Café was quite delicious. Haneul Ranch is the representative ranch of Daegwallyeong established in 1974. It is about 10 million square meters of 500 World Cup stadiums. Seonjaryeong, the highest peak of Daegwallyeong 1157m above sea level, is close to the ranch. As the first'nature acclimatization' experience ranch in Korea, in September 2014 Open to the public, cows, horses, sheep, etc. It is also a ranch, the representative company of Korea. The environment is well preserved, and most of the area remains untouched by humans to provide the best natural ranching experience. If you liked the video, I would appreciate it if you subscribe and notify me. With ‘Seoul 4K Walker’, you will feel a long way closer. Have a nice day. (^_^)v =============================================== ▶Map: https://goo.gl/maps/nYadNDomny6dM3fV6 ▶Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daegwal... ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Daegwallyeong (Hangul: 대관령; Hanja: 大關嶺) is a 832-meter (2,730 ft)-high mountain pass in the Taebaek Mountains of eastern South Korea. It runs between Pyeongchang and Gangneung in Gangwon Province. It is an important historical pass that connects the regions of Yeongseo and Yeongdong. Daegwallyeong-myeon of Pyeongchang County is named after this pass. Daegwallyeong Museum is located in Gangneung. This mountain pass was used for delivering agricultural and marine products from Gangneung to Yeongseo. During the Joseon dynasty, Seonbi walked over this way to go to Hanyang to take the Gwageo. The Old Daegwallyeong way used to be one of the sections of Yeongdong Expressway. The highway has been turned into a local road, which helped reduce the traffic along the way. The Old Daegwallyeong way is 19.1km long. In the middle of the way, there is a divided way into a route that goes down all the way (1hr 50min), and another route that goes up to Daegwallyeong Museum or Gamagol Village (2hrs 20min). ▶http://www.skyranch.co.kr/ ▶Google Blog: https://hikoreawalker.blogspot.com​ ▶Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seoul4kwalker​ #Korea4k#대관령양떼목장#선자령


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