[4K] 코로나를 무색케 하는 대구 동성로의 불타는 토요일, 젊음의 열기가 치솟는 수많은 인파들의 거리활보, 동성로 뒷골목 패셔니스트 Korea Walk, Daegu Walk[4K] Korea Walk - Saturday Evening Downtown Street Walking, Night Walk Daegu, Korea.


여러분에게 힐링영상을 공유하는 '서울 4K 워커'입니다. 서울로 치면 명동이라 할 수있는 대구광역시의 동성로를 소개합니다. 서울에서는 자가용으로 3시간30분 거리입니다. 대구의 만남의 광장으로 전철역이 가까워서 접근성이 좋으며 규모가 상당히 커서 주변에 대형백화점과 유명체인점들이 즐비해 있습니다. 중앙광장에서는 공연이나 특별행사가 이루어 지기도하며 볼거리와 먹거리가 다양하게 있습니다. 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 구독과 알림설정을 꼭 해주시면 감사하겠습니다. ‘서울 4K 워커'와 함께하면 먼길도 가까워 집니다. 행복한 하루 되세요. (^_^)v ================================================================ Hello My friends, I am 'Seoul 4K Walker' who share healing videos with you. If you think of Seoul, it can be called Myeong-dong Introducing Dongseong-ro in Daegu Metropolitan City. It is 3 hours and 30 minutes by car from Seoul. The subway station is close to Daegu's meeting square. It’s easy to access and it’s quite large Large department stores and famous chain stores around There are many. In the central plaza Performances and special events are also held, There are many things to see and eat. If you liked the video, I would appreciate it if you subscribe and notify me. With ‘Seoul 4K Walker’, you will feel a long way closer. Have a nice day. (^_^)v ======================================================================== ▶Map: https://goo.gl/maps/MdUrbG6ZVXX4Mh7T8 ▶Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dongseo... ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ The Dongseongno Festival is a festival held in Daegu Jung-gu, South Korea. The festival is held every May and includes a song festival, a fashion show, and concerts. The Dongsang-ro Festival, which opened its doors in May 1990, has established itself as one of the most successful models of the festival led by the pure private sector. The festival is a leading business district in Korea and will be the venue for the festival to showcase the excellence of culture with people around the world in Daegu Youth Street. ▶Google Blog: https://hikoreawalker.blogspot.com ▶Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seoul4kwalker #Dongseongno#Daegu#Korea4k


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