[4K]흰눈 덮인 아름다운 창경궁으로 초대합니다.명정전,춘당지,대온실,대식물원 Snow covered Changgyeonggung Palace 눈이내린 창경궁[4K]Seoul Walk - Beautifully snowy Changgyeonggung Palace.
=============================================== 안녕하세요. 여러분에게 힐링영상을 공유하는 '서울 4K 워커'입니다. 서울 한복판에 조선시대 옛 궁의 정취와 아름다움을 느낄 수 있는 곳 창경궁을 걸어 봅니다. 도심속에서 마치 깊은 자연의 평화로움을 느낄 수 있는 곳입니다. 같은 장소일지라도 다른 시간대에 느낄 수있는 눈내린 창경궁의 겨울은 백색의 겨울 왕국 이었습니다. 창경궁 뜨락길을 걸어봅니다. 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 구독과 알림설정을 꼭 해주시면 감사하겠습니다. ‘서울 4K 워커'와 함께하면 먼길도 가까워 집니다. 행복한 하루 되세요. (^_^)v ================================================================ Hello My friends, I am 'Seoul 4K Walker' who share healing videos with you. Joseon Dynasty Palace in the middle of Seoul A place where you can feel the atmosphere and beauty Walk through Changgyeonggung Palace. Peace of nature in the city This is where you can feel. Even in the same place, the feeling is different at different times of the four seasons Changgyeonggung's snowy winter It was a white frozen kingdom. Walk through Changgyeonggung Palace. If you liked the video, I would appreciate it if you subscribe and notify me. With ‘Seoul 4K Walker’, you will feel a long way closer. Have a nice day. (^_^)v ======================================================================== ▶Map: https://goo.gl/maps/R6r5A9BNE3mJjdDW9 ▶Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changgy... ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Changgyeong Palace is a palace located in Seoul, South Korea. The palace was built in the mid-15th century by King Sejong for his father, Taejong. It was originally named "Suganggung," but it was renovated and enlarged in 1483 by King Seongjong, at which time it received its current name. Many structures were destroyed during Japan's multiple late 16th century attempts to conquer Korea and invade China. It was rebuilt by successive Joseon Kings but was once again largely destroyed by the Japanese in the early 20th century, but this time torn down methodically to make room for a modern park, a showplace for the empire, akin to Tokyo's Ueno Park. During the Japanese colonial period, the Japanese built a zoo, botanical garden, and museum on the site. After independence in 1945 and the turmoil and destruction of the 1950-53 Korean War, the zoo was restocked through donations of wealthy Koreans as well as gifts from foreign zoos. In 1983, the zoo and botanical garden were relocated to present-day Seoul Grand Park. ▶Google Blog: https://hikoreawalker.blogspot.com ▶Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seoul4kwalker music: ☑️ 브금장인 유튜브 채널 URL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbOr... ☑️ 사용한 브금 영상 URL https://youtu.be/GBqxGWlX3Yg [출처] [브금장인] 012.사극감성|작성자 브금장인 #Changgyeonggung#seoul4k#SnowySeoul
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