[4K]한국 민속촌 빙어잡이 체험, 놀이동산, 조각공원, 달고나 그때 그시절 하굣길의 추억속으로, 로타리극장,추억의 사진관,잉어 엿뽑기, 이발소, 욕쟁이 아지매 분식[4K]Korea Walk – Korean Folk Village Ice fishing in strong winds.The play from those old days.


여러분에게 힐링영상을 공유하는 '서울 4K 워커'입니다. 한국 민속촌은 내외국인 모두가 한번 쯤은 가보고 싶어하는 관광지입니다. 한국에서 가장 큰 놀이공원인 에버랜드와 가까이 있습니다. 전국의 특색 있는 옛 조선시대 건축물들을 복원하였습니다. 전통이 살아있는 곳이라서 둘러보는 동안 마음이 평안해 질 수 있는 곳입니다. 이번에 업로드한 영상은 빙어잡이 체험, 놀이마을, 조각공원, 1980년대를 재현한 테마파크인 ‘그때 그 시절 하굣길의 추억속으로’를 워킹 투어 하였습니다. 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 구독과 알림설정을 꼭 해주시면 감사하겠습니다. ‘서울 4K 워커'와 함께하면 먼길도 가까워 집니다. 행복한 하루 되세요. (^_^)v ================================================================= Hello My friends, I am 'Seoul 4K Walker' who share healing videos with you. The Korean Folk Village is a tourist destination that both Koreans and foreigners want to visit. It is close to Everland, the largest amusement facility in Korea. The architecture of the old Joseon Dynasty has been restored. It's a place where tradition comes alive, so you can relax while exploring. The video uploaded this time took a walking tour of Korea Folk Village Ice fishing , Amusement Facilities Zone, Sculpture Garden, and a theme park recreated in the 1980s, ‘The Play from Those old days’ If you liked the video, I would appreciate it if you subscribe and notify me. With ‘Seoul 4K Walker’, you will feel a long way closer. Have a nice day. (^_^)v ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▶Map: https://goo.gl/maps/My7t1956Mj1uBQqX9 ▶Homepage: https://www.koreanfolk.co.kr/ ▶Intro : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_... ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Minsok village (Korean Folk Village) is a living museum type of tourist attraction in the city of Yongin, a satellite city in the Seoul Metropolitan Area in the province of Gyeonggi in South Korea. It was first opened on October 3rd,1974 (ground breaking in 1973 and completion in 1974). Korean Folk Village is a popular tourist destination for both Koreans and foreigners, located near South Korea's largest amusement park, Everland. Real houses from across the country were relocated and restored to create a replica of a village from the late Joseon period. Events such as celebrating seasonal changes and traditional performances are held in KFV. The village is set up in a natural environment occupying approximately 245 acres. Over 260 traditional houses reminiscent of the late Joseon Dynasty can be found there. The purpose of the Korean Folk Village is to display elements of traditional Korean life and culture. There are multiple sections to the park, including numerous replicas of traditional houses of the different social classes (peasant, landowner, yangban) from various regions. ▶Google Blog: https://hikoreawalker.blogspot.com ▶Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seoul4kwalker ▶Homepage: https://www.koreanfolk.co.kr/ #Minsok#seoul4k#KoreanFolkVillage


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